Use of repositories and data mash-ups in the Curriculum Delivery Programme

Formal repositories didn’t feature to highly in the programme with only one project (COWL) really integrating content into an institutional repository. Learning materials tended to be stored in the VLE. However a number of projects have been using of more online sharing or “fauxpository” services. Photosharing services such as Flickr proved to have multidisciplinary appeal being used in this programme in design and geography courses.

Institutional Repository
* Cowl – Curve, University of Coventry repository

*Atelier-D (this project also developed its own flickr like sharing, Open Studio)


In terms of data mash-ups, the MORSE project used a number of audio, photographic and geo-location services on geography field trips feeding back to their VLE. However the project did also note that lectures felt that in enabling these approaches, students were losing some traditional field work skills particularly field sketches.


Morse also explored the the use of AR technologies, in particular Layar and Wikitude.

The Design Studio is also perhaps turning into another fauxpository where selected resources created by the programme are showcased.

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