Ada Lovelace Day

October the 15th is Ada Lovelace day, an annual international celebration of the role of women in “celebration of women in science, technology, engineering and maths”.  I try and mark this every year in my blog, but this year it has kind of crept up on me so I haven’t got a particular woman whose work I want to highlight. However I would encourage you to go to the Finding Ada website, to find out more about Ada Lovelace, the event itself and other women whose work has made a significant impact to all our lives.  I’d also encourage you to follow the #findingada,  #adalovelaceday and ADL13  hashtags on twitter and listen or listen again to today’s Womans Hour on the BBC. Already I’ve found out about Nicola Pellow from David Kernohan’s excellent blog post. I had no idea she developed the first cross platform web browser – tbh I didn’t have a clue who did 🙂  I’m looking forward to hearing/reading about lots more over the course of the day.


** Update – here is a fantastic resource about Scottish women in Science from the National Library of Scotland**
