Analytics in UK Further and Higher Education Survey

Over the past few months, we at Cetis have been involved in a number of analytics related activities, most notably our Analytics Series of papers and case studies. Although we know there are pockets of really exciting developments here in the UK, we are keen to find out more about what is actually happening in our Universities and Colleges. In order to give us (and the community) a more accurate insight we are launching our Analytics in UK Further and Higher Education survey. From teaching and learning to the library to registry and business intelligence, we need to hear from you!

The survey is quite short (12 questions) and has been designed to try and allow us to undertake a “lite” benchmark of activity in the UK sector. We’d really appreciate if you could take 10 minutes or so to give us your feedback. The survey will stay open until June 16. Once we have all the data we will of course publish the results. We will be sharing our initial analysis of the data at a session at this years ALT-C.

The survey can be accessed here, please feel free to pass the link on to any relevant colleagues.

2 thoughts on “Analytics in UK Further and Higher Education Survey”

  1. Analytics is sometimes characterized misleadingly as “data-driven decision making”. As a teacher I would say students are now knowing what they want to become in future. Many students start working in small age which make them strong and capable enough to understand things and choose the right thing.

    Julie Jacko

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