There was a huge amount of twitter activity at this years CETIS conference. In fact at one point yesterday one of the session hashtags was second only to “happy thanksgiving”.
Prior to the conference there had been a bit of negativity in the twittersphere about the the number of tags and hashtags we had set up for the conference. Whilst I can see why just having one tag makes life simpler, having tags for each of the session allows us to aggregate and separate out the comments into the relevant session areas (like here where we have a feed displaying tweets related to that session). I think that the CETIS conference is just about the right size and has just about the right level of geek-type audience to appreciate the decision to have individual session tags. For larger conferences multiple tags might not work.
I’ve tried out various lifestreaming tools before (like swurl and dipity) but last week I came across the Storytlr site, which adds a nice twist to the lifestream idea by allowing users to create date specific “stories” from their various digital presence sites (such as blogs, twitter, flickr etc). I think this time specific story idea has potential – particularly for conferences. I’ve created 2 “stories” from my tweets over the past two days just try it out.
*Day One (sorry to Dai for cutting his head off in the first picture)
*Day 2
This morning, I have been trying to add other rss feeds such as the feeds for the individual sessions and some photo feeds, but it didn’t seem to like any of the rss feeds I was giving it. It’s probably something Tony Hirst could sort out in the blink of an eye:-) But if anyone else has some stories from the conference, or anywhere else I’d love to see them.
I like the look of Storytlr – does it let you create a story of everyone’s tweets with a #hwatever tag, or does it only do yours? Looks really nice, anyway, and a different view than the one you get with Twistory.
OK … I’ve figured out what to do! Just get the RSS feed of the tag & ta-daa.
By the way, the way I got the feed was clicking on the RSS icon on my blog (in Firefox) & then copying the URL of the feed page it generated.
Hi Emma
think some feeds are a bit better composed than others, but it seems to have scope to get more than just feeds from your personal sites into it. Glad you like it.
This is clever Sheila, like it, great way to get overview snippets!!