What Sheila's seen over the past year – a year of doodling 

Inspired by David Hopkins at last year’s Blackboard conference in Dublin I stared to do my own form of sketch noting/visual note taking or probably more accurately doodling.

Over the past year I’ve started to use this more visual and colourful method at conferences/events. I find it makes me listen in a different way, and the words/doodles do jog my memory.

I just draw onto my iPad using an app called notability. I like it because you can zoom in and out of areas, it has a good colour palette, and drawing features and a very handy undo/ redo button. Other people seem to quite like them too and I share them (with a CC licence) via a Flickr album.

More and more people seem to be doing this – or maybe I’m just more aware of them. I’ll never be a Giula Forsthye or Kevin Mears but I think I’ll continue to doodle for another year.

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