Go Swurl yourself

Taking a break from ICALT 2008 I’ve just discovered Swurl a site that visualizes your digital life stream. You can add feeds from services like flickr, facebook, twitter, delicious, lastfm etc and it aggregates them and provides a timeline view of your online activities. Unfortunately my timeline is a bit twittertabulous at the moment as I’ve been at conferences for the last week or so, so it’s not that visually exciting. However if you do upload photos it’s probably a lot more visually appealing. I’m also thinking that it might be a good lightweight time-recording mechanism too.

3 thoughts on “Go Swurl yourself”

  1. If you are a fan of visualisation of social networking try Dipity – this gives a timeline you can zoom in and out of. I have set one up for the JISC project I am running so that I can see when things are happening with the project.

  2. Hi Fleur

    Have got a dipity account too and I do like the visualization of the time line in it. I also like the fact that you can add any RSS feed – swurl is a bit limited at the moment.

    Great to hear you are using for a JISC project. I think these timelines could be really useful not only for project members but others (like us in CETIS) who sometimes need to get a quick overview of things.

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