As you are probably aware, this week is open education week, and there is lots happening, so I just wanted to highlight a couple of things to look out for.
Firstly something very close to my heart. A draft version of The Open Scotland Declaration is now online and available for comment (on a paragraph by paragraph basis). Everyone in the Open Scotland Working Group would appreciate as many comments as possible on this document.
The University of Sussex has a great line up of events throughout this week. On Friday I’m taking part in a webinar with Catherine Cronin called Open and online: connections, community and reality. The webinar will be recorded and made available if you can’t make the time slot on Friday. There are a number of other UK webinars on this week including Exploring the Battle for Open from the OER Research Hub and A Pedagogical Look at MOOCs from the University of Leicester.
Also later this week I’ll be one of the guest bloggers on the UK Web Focus site . Everyday this week Brian Kelly has invited a guest blogger to share a range of views on open education. If you only do one thing this week, then reading these guest posts is a great option.