Innovating Pedagogy Report 2020 – just a thought . . .

The OU has recently published its 2020 Innovating Pedagogy Report. I really enjoy these annual reports which are very readable as well as being well researchers. However, I don’t always get round to really reflecting on them. In fact, I’ve just deleted a draft post from about this time last year about the 2019 report that I started and didn’t finish! So this is going to be a very short post so I actually do finish and post it. There’s lots of AI, and data but encouragingly lots around ethics, post humanist approaches and social justice.

One thing in particular has struck me around the potential impact and timescales elements of the chosen pedagogies. AI has being given a potential impact of “high” with a timescale of “ongoing“, whilst engaging with data ethics has been given an potential impact of “medium” and a timescale of “ongoing“.

Surely the ethics of using data have to go hand in hand with any work around AI. In fact I would say ethics should be the starting point. I’m sure this was debated by the team, but I can’t help thinking that a trick has been missed here to ensure that data ethics are rated equally with AI in terms of potential impact and timescales.

2 thoughts on “Innovating Pedagogy Report 2020 – just a thought . . .”

  1. Thanks for this short reflection Sheila! I guess we think in terms of what the impact is likely to be, whereas you have emphasised what the impact should be. Furthermore report authors sometimes have different views and can’t agree 🙂

  2. Hi Agnes, thanks for reply. I totally understand the challenges that there must be in decided these these things, and you rightly point out I am thinking about the how things should be.

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