Quick links from SoLAR Flare meeting

So we lit the UK SoLAR Flare in Milton Keynes yesterday, and I think it is going to burn brightly for some time. This post is just a quick round up of some links to discussions/blogs/tweets and pics produced over the day.

Overviews of the presentations and discussions were captured by some live blogging from Myles Danson (JISC Programme Manager for our Analytics Series)

and Doug (master of the live blog) Clow of the OU.

Great overview of the day – thanks guys!

And our course we have some twitter analytics thanks to our very own Martin Hawksey’s TAGs archive for #FlareUK and the obligitory network diagram of the twitter stream (click the image to see larger, interactive version)

#FlareUK hashtag user community network

Slides from the morning presentations and subsequent group discussions are available from the the SoLAR website, and videos of the morning presentations will be available from there soon too.

As a taster of the day – here’s a little video of what went on.
