To list or not to list? #creativeHE

glenn-carstens-peters-190592(Image: Unsplash)

I fear I may I may have inadvertently started #listgate during last nights’  #creativeHE and #LHTEchat  tweet chat around creativity and assessment.

In answer to the question  what would be at the top of your being more creative list and why?”  I responded somewhat flippantly “first rule of my creativity is no lists”

Now this provoked a few tweets such this and and this

What I then said was that lists generally are made up of things I need to do – not want to do. In the context of creativity and the conversations last night, that’s how I felt. If I am feeling creative I just do “stuff” –  I tend not to need a list. At other times I do need lists, in fact I like lists, well maybe I like making lists and then actually don’t use them and end up recreating them. . .

Anyway, back to creativity. I’m not sure you can checklist creativity . . . you could have all the elements from a list, but that still might not give you the spark of inspiration.  I could be wrong. . . I might have to make a list of the reasons why  . . . what do you think?

4 thoughts on “To list or not to list? #creativeHE”

  1. It’s completely unrelated (probably) but in software engineering, particularly for example so-called SIngle Page [Web] Applications (SPAs) that illustrate the use of various JavaScript and other web-app programming language frameworks, there’s a whole menagerie of toy applications that implement To Do lists!

    Clearly software engineers either *need* lists, or don’t have the creativity to create example SPAs which aren’t list-based!

    See: for more about this fascinating subject that I’m sure you didn’t know (or want to know) about)!

    Keep rocking the boat!

  2. When we were discussing it in the tweetchat I think I mentioned th idea of sorting. Sorting is a PBL type process that aids reflection, but it’s also something about mundane rituals for creating a thinking space. Just like note-making and sketchnoting – there’s something stimulating in the approach itself. In terms of creativity (rather than learning), there is something artisanal (is that a word?) about the making of a list. As with any writing pershaps.

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