New (Facebook) group for anyone interested in pedagogic planners

As part of the past two LAMS European conferences, James Dalziel and the LAMS team have provided an opportunity to bring together a group of people with an interest in developing pedagogic planning tools. During each meeting it has become evident that there is a burgeoning community developing around pedagogical planning – not least from JISC with the Phoebe and LPP planning tools. There has also been a general feeling of how can we continue these discussions? So, in an attempt to do just that, I’ve set up a facebook group called Pedagogical Planners. If you or anyone you know is interested in this area, please join the group and share your projects and ideas, events.

3 thoughts on “New (Facebook) group for anyone interested in pedagogic planners”

  1. Dear Madam/Sir,

    I am a PhD student in UK in the area of e-learning, hope I can be one of your community group.

    Best regards.


  2. Hi Rami

    Just go to facebook and join the group. Looking forward to your contribution.

    Best wishes


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